Beauty Shot Fridays: Summertime Sun and Fun

In hopes of procuring more sun from the sky this week, we asked people to send us photos of their summertime fun in the sun. Photos did not have to be of Seattle or from this summer but could be of anything sun- and summer-related. I’ve selected a few of our brightest submissions from last week and written some of my thoughts on them…
Ben Scherer’s photograph struck me because of the incandescence of the balloons in the sunlight and their illuminated colors against the backdrop of a baby blue sky. The whimsy of the balloons plays with the sharp, crystalline portrayal of summer sunlight. Also, the uplifting motion out of the frame by the balloons reminds viewers of their distinct inability to wave goodbye to gravity, even with an inhalation of helium. Yet this photo is also positive: the colors, the light, the motion all contribute to implying a playful ambiance and creating a dancing smile across a viewer’s face.
Salinas Holcomb’s photo depicts an array of bicycles, that modern metal-made steed for those that dare the natural and urban elements, waiting for their riders to return from summer strolls along a sunset-lit beach. Along the stunning splendor of the golden hues and deep blues of the sky and water, their silhouettes linger and make me think of dogs waiting for their masters or of horses pawing and snorting at the ground. I love the sense of journey in this photo, the bikes standing in a funnel-shape, leading your eyes to the ocean water and setting sun. There is a sense of freedom from time in it as well, further emphasized by the lack of human bodies in the photo. Dark is arriving soon yet no one is returning to ride off back to their home.
Madeline Moy’s photo, to put it bluntly, cracks me up. I absolutely love the idea that two locals use the sunlit pavilion of the Seattle Art Museum as their hangout spot. What a great way to interact with and create a sense of personal ownership of your local museum! Upon talking to the duo at a later date, they mentioned they lived right across the street and, just like anyone seeking to catch a Vitamin D increase in the often-sparse sunlight of Seattle, this pair grabbed their lawn chairs, some snacks, and a few good books and headed straight to their front yard: SAM. I love the “why not?” attitude of this picture and its subjects. The small shadows show off the afternoon sun, and my skin gets warm just thinking about the heat bouncing from the concrete on to the gentle giant of Hammering Man then on to the pair’s skin.
I’m going to close with Suzie’s photo because it provokes nostalgia for summer when I look at it. I fall in love with every summer: its adventures, sunsets, sunrises, and reflections. For me summer can be intellectually and creatively active as well as reflective. When I have to return to school in the later months, I just want summer to linger… and then linger some more. I love how Suzie’s photo encapsulates the dreaminess and energy of summertime, the little kid running off with a kite into the sunset. If this was a series, the exuberance in this photo would make me believe the next photos would show him lifting off with his kite, off to chase summer dreams and adventures.
So I’m going to go chase some summer dreams and adventures myself and hope you’ll do the same. As always, please continue to send your photos (and captions) to New questions will be posted on SAM’s Facebook Page every Monday by 3 pm and submissions will be uploaded every Friday by 4pm. Once uploaded, please tag yourself in your photo. This week’s question asks: How have you personalized and reclaimed your outdoor space?
-Madeleine Dahl, Public Relations Intern