Latin Jazz, Art Making, and More at Thursday at the Park

At last week’s “Thursday at the Park,” at the Olympic Sculpture Park, I did not intend on making a new friend.
I did not intend on running into old friends.
And I did not intend on dancing.
But I’m glad I did!
While you may not know what will happen at the Olympic Sculpture Park, you can be confident that it probably will be good, especially if it’s a Thursday night this summer.
For this week’s Thursday at the Park, Latin jazz group Sonando will bring Afro-Cuban rhythms to the Olympic Sculpture Park on July 14. Sonando plays folkloric instruments such as bata, marimbula, tres, congas, and shekere, as well as modern jazz instruments including flute, sax, trombone, piano, bass and drums. Their performance is part of the popular Art of Jazz series.
Artist Nicholas Nyland will talk about his temporary work installed at the Olympic Sculpture Park as part of the On-Site exhibition during an “Art Hit” tour at 6:30 pm. “Nyland’s playful sculptures reveal his interest in ornamentation and the ways in which we embellish our environments. The treatment of the surfaces of his sculptures at the Olympic Sculpture Park also reveal his training as a painter,” says Marisa Sánchez, SAM’s Assistant Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art.
If you’re interested in creating your own art, this week’s art activity is wire trees with paper leaves.
Bring your family or meet friends at the Sculpture Park for dinner! Food from TASTE, Charlies Buns, Rancho Bravo and Street Treats will be available, as well as beer, wine and non-alcoholic beverages.
-Madeline Moy, Digital Media Manager
Photos: Madeline Moy, Calandra Childers, Robert Wade