Muse/News: Art + Golf, NW Art Trip, and the Fate of Afghan Art

SAM News
“A hole-in-one for the arts.” That’s the Seattle Times on Par-Tee in the Park, SAM’s fundraiser featuring an artist-designed mini-golf course! Moira Macdonald spoke with Kimisha Turner, Eroyn Franklin, and LMN Architects about their creations that will support SAM programs.
Also in the Seattle Times: Trevor Lenzmeier with a “Seattle tourism starter pack” that will have you visiting key downtown landmarks in a cool 90 minutes, including a few of the Olympic Sculpture Park’s monumental sculptures.
Local News
#FromTheArchives: Seattle Channel interviews artist Fay Jones. You’ll recognize her style from many public art projects around the city; her work is also in SAM’s collection.
My fellow On The Boards-goers must also be obsessed with this little storefront: The Stranger’s Dave Segal reports on the impending arrival of Almost Everyday Music on Queen Anne.
Crosscut’s Brangien Davis takes a Northwest arts road trip.
“Stepping out of my car in Edmonds on a recent sunny Friday, I detected a scent as layered as a fine wine: a bouquet of salty sea air with notes of star jasmine and a fleshy finish of fried fish. It was only the first stop on my arts road trip, and already I’d drunk deeply from a full-bodied Northwest blend.”
Inter/National News
“Can the Arts Help Drive Vaccinations? Yes, According to the CDC.” From Hyperallergic’s Valentina Di Liscia.
“Can We Ever Look at Titian’s Paintings the Same Way Again?” asks Holland Cotter for the New York Times.
Artforum on the uncertain fate of Afghanistan’s museums and archeological sites.
“‘We have great concerns for the safety of our staff and collections,’ said Mohammad Fahim Rahimi, the institution’s [Afghan National Museum] director. At present, there is no plan for moving the items out of harm’s way. ‘The question is how to find a safe location,’ said a government source, additionally noting, ‘There is no way for them, or the staffs, to leave the country.’”
And Finally
Sometimes you’re just an art pumpkin being tossed in a typhoon.
– Rachel Eggers, SAM’s Associate Director of Public Relations
Image: Courtesy of LMN Architects