Copacino + Fujikado – Creative Minds Surrounded By Art

We asked our dear friends at Copacino + Fujikado (a local brand and marketing communications agency) to blog about how they use the SAM Gallery to bring art into their creative work environment. Here’s what they have to say.
“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”
— Pablo Picasso
Our company uses the tools of art to do the work of commerce. We tell stories about the brands we represent through design, photography, illustration and creative writing.
Our product is innovation. So, naturally, we want our work environment to inspire original thought and expression. Provocative visual art on our walls is important as it reminds us that our job is to look at familiar things in fresh, new ways.
That’s why, every three months, we take a happy, three-block trek from our office building to the Seattle Art Museum Gallery at the corner of Third Avenue and University Street. There, we browse through hundreds of original works from Northwest artists—available for rent at very reasonable prices.
We’ve displayed several pieces since we moved to our new office space eighteen months ago. Some notables include:
- “The Jacks”—a Warholian portrait by Troy Gua that’s a mash-up of Jack Kennedy and Jack Kerouac
- “Jove”—a playful abstract collage by Richard Hutter
- “Ascending” by Kentree Speirs”—a celebration of nature using dramatic colors and forms
The last piece was so admired by a visiting client (and avid collector) that she sought out this Portland artist and purchased two of his works.
Thanks to the SAM Gallery, we have an impressive rotating art collection that that inspires our staff and guests. At prices that please our CFO.
-Jim Copacino, Co-Founder and Creative Director, Copacino + Fujikado
For more information, visit SAM Gallery.
Future of the Past, Todd J. Horton, oil on panel, 2009, 36”x36”