SAM Libraries: Book(s) of the Month Club: September and October

September marked the beginning of National Hispanic Heritage Month (it runs through mid-October). In addition to Hispanic artists you may already be familiar with – Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, José Clemente Orozco, etc. – this celebration gives us an opportunity to look at other areas of our collections dealing with Hispanic art and artists that are perhaps less well-known. All books in this list are available for consultation at the Dorothy Stimson Bullitt Library at SAM Downtown: |
AfroCuba: Works on Paper, 1968-2003. Judith Bettelheim. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2005. N 6603 B3.
Ceremony of Spirit: Nature and Memory in Contemporary Latino Art. Mexican Museum (San Francisco). San Francisco: Mexican Museum, 1993. N 6538 H5 C476.
Chicano and Latino Artists in the Pacific Northwest. Lauro Flores et al. Olympia, WA: Evergreen State College, 1984. N 6528 C5.
Cuba: Art and History from 1868 to Today. Nathalie Bondil et al. Montreal; New York: Montreal Museum of Fine Arts; Prestel Verlag, 2009. N 6603 C65.
High Pink: Tex-Mex Fairy Tales: Franco Mondini-Ruiz. Downtown Arts Projects (New York). New York: D.A.P., 2005. N 6537 M63.
Shifting Tides: Cuban Photography After the Revolution. Tim B. Wride. Los Angeles; London: Los Angeles County Museum of Art; Merrell Publishers, 2001. TR 646 W75.
Sin Nombre: Hispana and Hispano Artists of the New Deal Era. Tey Marianna Nunn. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2001. N 6538 H5 N86.
Toward the Preservation of a Heritage: Latin American and Latino Art in the Midwestern United States. Olga U. Herrera. Notre Dame, IN: Institute for Latino Studies, 2008. N 6538 H58 H47.
Unseen Mendieta: The Unpublished Works of Ana Mendieta. Olga M. Viso. Munich; New York: Prestel, 2008. N 6537 M48 V57.
Wifredo Lam and His Contemporaries, 1938-1952. Giulio V. Blanc et al. New York: Studio Museum in Harlem, 1992. ND 305 L3 B53.
For October, I couldn’t resist highlighting books that dealt with Halloween-ish themes: ghosts, demons, death, the occult, etc. Of course, many cultures consider these concepts part of everyday life. Spirits, for instance, play critical roles in social rituals and act as teachers, judges or interpreters. But, just for fun, here are texts to consider during the month when we take our Western ideas of the occult to the next level: |
American Indian Trickster Tales. Richard Erdoes. London: Penguin, 1999. E 98 F6 E73. Especially: Coyote and Eagle visit the land of the dead (Yakima), Coyote kills terrible monster (Salish), The seven devils mountains (Nez Perce). (Bullitt Library)
Dragons, Monsters and Auspicious Beasts: An Exhibition. J. May Lee. New York: Michael B. Weisbrod, Inc., 1988. N 7343 M5. (McCaw Library)
Ghost in the Shell: Photography and the Human Soul, 1850-2000: Essays on Camera Portraiture. Robert A. Sobieszek. Los Angeles: Cambridge, MA: Los Angeles County Museum of Art; MIT Press, 1999. TR 680 S62. (Bullitt Library)
A Host of Devils: The History and Context of the Making of Makonde Spirit Sculpture. Zachary Kingdon. London; New York: Routledge, 2002. NB 1097.6 M6 K56. (Bullitt Library)
Korean Folk Tales: Imps, Ghosts and Fairies. Im Pang. Rutland, VT: C.E. Tuttle Co., 1971. DCT GR 342 I613. (McCaw Library)Mother, Worker, Ruler, Witch: Cross-Cultural Images of Women. Cecilia F. Klein. Los Angeles: UCLA Museum of Cultural History, 1980. N 7630 U6. (Bullitt Library)
Mummies: Life after Death in Ancient Egypt. Renate Germer. Munich; New York: Prestel, 1997. DT 62 M7 G47. (Bullitt Library)
Rudolf Steiner: Alchemy of the Everyday. Vitra Design Museum. Weil am Rhein, Germany: Vitra Design Museum, 2010. N 6811.5 S83 K7. (Bullitt Library)
The Peasant and the Devil and Other Stories: A New Work. Simon Grennan. Seattle: Seattle Art Museum, 1998. NC 1763 P56 G74. (Bullitt Library)
Things That Go Bump in the Night: Ghosts and Demons in Japanese Art. Haifa: Haifa Museum/Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art, 1999. NE 1310 T56. (McCaw Library)
Wonders of the Invisible World 1600-1900 (Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife Annual Proceedings 1992). Peter Benes, ed. Boston: Boston University, 1995. F 7 B36 1992. (Bullitt Library)
Yoshitoshi’s Thirty-Six Ghosts. John Stevenson. New York: Weatherhill; Hong Kong: Blue Tiger, 1983. FOLIO NE 1325 Y67 S7. (McCaw Library).
Traci Timmons, Librarian